At, you can compare plans from Minnesota insurers, and see if you qualify for a low-cost or free plan. Also, if you want to help bring better healthcare to your fellow Minnesotans, sign up here to join the growing ranks of Assistive Partners, where we are looking for:

MNsure es un Mercado en línea único e integral para que las personas que viven en Minnesota puedan obtener ayuda, comparer, elegir y comprar los planes de seguro médicoque major se adapten a su presupuesto y necesidades.

MNsure yo gib qhov chaw tshiab uas cov neeg nyob hauv Minnesota tuaj nrhiav, piv, xaiv, thiab yuav daim ntawv kuaj mob nkeeg uas yuav haum zoo tshaj rau lawv thiab lawv txojkev kom nyiaj tseg.

MNsure waa suuq furan oo reer Minnesota ay ka heli karaan, is barbardhigi karaan, kana dooran karaan, ceymiska caafimaadka eek u haboon baahidooda iyo miisaaniyadooda.

Sign up here to receive email updates about MNsure (the Affordable Care Act in Minnesota, aka Obamacare), and click here for fact sheets about this expansion of access to quality healthcare!