January 2022
Dear Neighbors:
Happy New Year!
We will all run for reelection representing the wonderful people of District 59. We cherish the opportunity to take your issues and concerns to the state level and work with you to amplify your voices and find a state resolution to difficult, and often, very personal issues.
The 2021 legislative session presented us with a unique opportunity to deliver the meaningful changes that Minnesotans were demanding during the ongoing pandemic and after the murder of George Floyd. We worked hard to deliver on issues of racial justice, police reform, and economic inequity. In spite of promises by the
Senate Republican majority to take up these issues, the 2021 session and special session ended with much of this work unfinished. We were, however, able to pass important legislation including the Market Bucks program, the Catalytic Converter Theft law, and $25 million to prevent homelessness.
The first step in the long 2022 election season is precinct caucuses on February 1. This year, the DFL Party will hold contactless precinct caucuses instead of in-person caucuses. Go to https://dfl.org/local-units/senatedistrict-59/ to sign up to participate in caucuses and submit resolutions. You also can express interest in becoming a delegate to our senate district convention (where we will be asking for your endorsement) as well as the city and county conventions. As detailed on the senate district website, you also can submit your form (enclosed in this mailing) at a drop off location or by emailing your form to DFL59SD@gmail.com. As a delegate you can then
participate in the Senate District Convention on Saturday, April 9 at Anwatin School.
In 2022, we will continue to advocate on behalf of working families to fully fund public education, guarantee paid family and medical leave for all Minnesotans, expand access to affordable healthcare, protect our environment, jobs and economic development and affordable housing, just to name a few! In 2022, the geographic boundaries of our district will change to reflect changes in population throughout the
state, a result of the once-a-decade census. The legislature is charged with redrawing district maps, but a committee of judges chosen by the Minnesota Supreme Court will draw them if we are unable to agree by mid-February. It’s unlikely our divided legislature will agree, and the judges have already started work. No matter the outcomes we are all committed to making life better for more Minnesotans.
During the 2021 legislative session, we funded several projects and enacted state policies that will help people in District 59. They include:
• Funding for buses and summer school programming to help students catch up over the summer after a year of trying to make remote learning work.
• Increased the number of teachers of color and Native American teachers.
• $1.5 million grant to expand Girls in Action, an educational mentorship program for girls throughout Minnesota.
• $2.5 million investment in Northgate Development to create more careers in clean energy.
• $1 million to continue funding for Buildwealth Minnesota to increase homeownership opportunities.
• An eviction moratorium and its phased end to protect renters.
• $24 million for the new Targeted Community Capital Grant Program, which allows communities like ours the opportunity to see state capital investments that reflect their needs and backgrounds, authored by Representative Lee, who chairs the House Capital Improvements Committee.
• Public safety reforms in areas including no-knock warrants, a police officer misconduct database, sign-andrelease warrants, and removal of body cams grant programs without accountability policies attached.
• $15 million from the American Rescue Plan for community violence-prevention grants.
• $35.5 million in equity funding for training and assistance for BIPOC women, small businesses, and veterans.
• $70 million for the Main Street COVID-19 Relief Grant Program, which provides $10,000 grants to Minnesotan-owned businesses that demonstrate financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
• Increased the loan cap for the Rehabilitation Loan/Emergency and Accessibility Program that provides funding for home renovation for low income homeowners.
• Updated the self-storage lien policy to allow people to access their personal papers and tools after a default and avoid a residential eviction.
• $80 million for the Main Street Economic Revitalization Program, spearheaded by Senator Champion, which will provide grants and loans to businesses, nonprofit organizations, and developers to help our community recover from the damage done by COVID-19 and civil unrest.
• Strengthened protection from lead exposure by expanding where an assessing agency must conduct lead risk assessments, decreased the blood lead level threshold that triggers certain assessments, and enhanced an agency’s authority to order lead hazard reduction.
• Required the Met Council to develop and maintain a zero-emission transit vehicle transition plan that includes prioritizing the deployment of zero-emissions vehicles in areas with poor air quality.
• Increased funding for the College Possible program to help Minnesota students get into and succeed in college.
• Worked with the Department of Education to use the American Rescue Plan’s Elementary and Secondary
Emergency Relief Fund to fund comprehensive after-school programs to culturally-specific community groups that support historically underserved students, including students from low-income families; Hispanic or Latino, American Indian, Asian, and Black students; English learners; students with disabilities; migratory students; students in foster care; and neglected, delinquent, and incarcerated students.
We accomplished much this year, but we can do even more together in 2022 and beyond. We would appreciate your support for endorsement as we start our reelection campaigns to continue to represent you at the Capitol.
Your Senate District 59 Legislative Team
Senator Bobby Joe Champion
Representative Esther Agbaje
Representative Fue Lee
(612) 568-0870
Paid for by Champion4Change, 1501 Hall Curve N, Minneapolis, MN 55411; Neighbors for Fue Lee, P.O. Box 11331, Minneapolis, MN 55411; and Esther Agbaje for State Representative, P.O. Box 580445, Minneapolis, MN 55458.
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